[Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

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[Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by woundedknees »

lukeyrid13 wrote:What!? Where does the Bible say to kill non believers lol. Takes What Would Geez Do to a whole new meaning
The Bible doesn't, at least not int the New Testament, which is based on the life and teaching of Geez.

On the other hand, the teachings of Mohammed (However you choose to spell it) specifically states, "Kill the infidel". (I.E.: the unbeliever)

I digress.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by UOducksTK1 »

GoDucksTroll wrote:
UOducksTK1 wrote:"* If an employee said something like that only two biological sexes is a fact in work environs then I would advise immediate termination. "

Why? Google says there's two biological sexes. Also, what if someone claims there's 52 genders, but I believe in only 50 genders? Or what if I only believe in 2 genders? IF someone at my work believes there is 46 genders, should they be terminated immediately for saying something that contradicts the norm or the beliefs of a different group?

You're playing with relativism, and it doesn't work. Either you allow everyone to have an opinion, or you only allow people to have an opinion that agrees with one world view. So everyone at the work force has to agree THE world view, otherwise they can't work here. Sounds tolerant.

People at my work mock the bible, mock Christians, and mock God CONSTANTLY. Do I complain to HR? No. Even if I did, does my voice matter? No, because I'm an Iranian American that people don't really care about. And people certainly don't care about one's religious views, unless it's on the protected religion list of the world view you are enforcing.
Are you using the first result on google as https://web.uvic.ca/~ahdevor/HowMany/Ho ... 0be%20both. ?

Because if you are then you might have misread that. That is not what the author is saying, they are listing how people had been taught to view sex by what the author calls the Ideology of the Dominant Gender Schema which they call a learned social behavior.

If we view sex as strictly chromosomal then it's not just 46xx and 46xy. Genetically there are other variations, and that explains intersex people. Gender is a whole other issue, but we're sticking with sex - and science says there are more than two.

The genomic aspect of it is far from my expertise, which is HR and employment law. But this has been a topic at several conferences I've been to over the past few years.

If you feel that you're in a hostile environment due to the, say, anti-Christian sentiments/mocking of your co-workers then you should file a complaint with Human Resources. Employment law is meant to protect you as well. That's why it exists.

As for everyone having to have the same world view to work in the same place, that is a bit of hyperbole. First off, you want your employees to follow federal, state, and local laws. Then you want them to follow the code of conduct and ethics every company should have, which evolves as society evolves. As an example, sexual harassment policies are about ~40 years old yet they have obviously become a staple of the workplace. Societal norms shift. They're now shifting as fast as ever, despite the lag that exists between civil courts and legislation.
Well I see science claim that there are two biological sexes, so I'm going to stick with that. But I guess I should get fired now, for interpreting data that has agreed with scientists forever, and still agrees with a large group of scientists.

But your data interpretation is infallible and not biased, so eventually I'll be forced to submit or lose my job.

You probably won't get where I'm coming from, and that's OK. We will have to just disagree on this one. Thanks for chatting about it though, GoDucksTroll.

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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by UOducksTK1 »

woundedknees wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:What!? Where does the Bible say to kill non believers lol. Takes What Would Geez Do to a whole new meaning
The Bible doesn't, at least not int the New Testament, which is based on the life and teaching of Geez.

On the other hand, the teachings of Mohammed (However you choose to spell it) specifically states, "Kill the infidel". (I.E.: the unbeliever)

I digress.
Over half my family is muslim, and their islam beliefs are SOOOO nominal now. I don't even know why they call themselves muslims. They reject so much of their own book, and call it wrong.

In some ways, their doctrine and morality fits many other religions more than islam. But a fundamental muslim who takes the quran literally, my own muslim family would be fearful of and my family (referencing like 50+ relatives) would call them extremists with potential to be terrorists.

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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by lukeyrid13 »

woundedknees wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:What!? Where does the Bible say to kill non believers lol. Takes What Would Geez Do to a whole new meaning
The Bible doesn't, at least not int the New Testament, which is based on the life and teaching of Geez.

On the other hand, the teachings of Mohammed (However you choose to spell it) specifically states, "Kill the infidel". (I.E.: the unbeliever)

I digress.
I know this. To conflate that Christianity is 'dangerous, or as dangerous as islam' is incredulous IMO. For some reason, our society or at least a large portion of society have created this notion that Christians and their ideals are violent and dangerous. Not sure where "love your neighbor as yourself", " do not judge lest you be judged" etc fall into dangerous and violent. The vitriol is reaching rather insane levels, where we have BLM protests, and folks are chanting pro-muslim chants. One of the two religions of Christianity and Islam have dangerous, murderous extremists. But, because of politics, half our country is supporting the extremist side. Apparently 9/11 is not offensive, but Tim Tebow's eye black is.

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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by dd10snoop28 »

lukeyrid13 wrote:
woundedknees wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:What!? Where does the Bible say to kill non believers lol. Takes What Would Geez Do to a whole new meaning
The Bible doesn't, at least not int the New Testament, which is based on the life and teaching of Geez.

On the other hand, the teachings of Mohammed (However you choose to spell it) specifically states, "Kill the infidel". (I.E.: the unbeliever)

I digress.
I know this. To conflate that Christianity is 'dangerous, or as dangerous as islam' is incredulous IMO. For some reason, our society or at least a large portion of society have created this notion that Christians and their ideals are violent and dangerous. Not sure where "love your neighbor as yourself", " do not judge lest you be judged" etc fall into dangerous and violent. The vitriol is reaching rather insane levels, where we have BLM protests, and folks are chanting pro-muslim chants. One of the two religions of Christianity and Islam have dangerous, murderous extremists. But, because of politics, half our country is supporting the extremist side. Apparently 9/11 is not offensive, but Tim Tebow's eye black is.

End rant 8-)
You know one of the most confusing things to me is the treatment of Iran in the media and in society at large (and China as well). The atrocities committed in those countries against basic human dignity and freedoms is appalling. You will barely hear about such things. Instead, what you might hear about is how Trump is anti-China and racist for issuing a travel ban from China, and you'd see the media showing how Iran is condemning America for being racist against black people.

Everything is backwards if you relied on the media and popular influencers. You would think that America is a country that suppresses and oppresses its people, and China/Iran are the countries that give liberty/freedom to its people.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by Duck07 »

dd10snoop28 wrote:
You know one of the most confusing things to me is the treatment of Iran in the media and in society at large (and China as well). The atrocities committed in those countries against basic human dignity and freedoms is appalling. You will barely hear about such things. Instead, what you might hear about is how Trump is anti-China and racist for issuing a travel ban from China, and you'd see the media showing how Iran is condemning America for being racist against black people.

Everything is backwards if you relied on the media and popular influencers. You would think that America is a country that suppresses and oppresses its people, and China/Iran are the countries that give liberty/freedom to its people.
I have a sardonic bit I joke with friends about in ranking the despots of the 20th century. Mao only comes in at #2 for me, gotta give the top spot to Pol Pot from a sabermetrics standpoint. Then you put the Russians in at #4 because let's be real, nobody gives Russia enough credit for what they did from the Stalingrad to the gulags!

If you ask people if they'd buy something that said Made in Nazi Germany they'd all be aghast that you'd even suggest that but nobody really feels that way about China, post Cultural Revolution. If I can find the tweet I'll embed it but it was basically a Social Justice Warrior pondering out loud about having zero police and being confused with people like Jeremy Christenson in the world. There's a level of anachronistic thinking combined with any sort of knowledge of the world at large.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by lukeyrid13 »

^ I was at a coffee shop recently and the barista there was having a conversation about how she hates living in the United States because we are far too similar to Nazi Germany and other genocidal oppressive powers and that she fears for her life everyday that Trump is in office.
The problem is, from her perspective, if she fears half the country is out to kill her, then she’s justified to join the mob in the streets as they fight the “oppressive powers”. In reality, conservatives mainly just want to go to work and go home and that’s about it. The fear mongering that half of our country is: racist, bigoted and infringing on rights of everyone is weirdly misplaced.
Why can’t we just view people as people. You’re either a good person or a bad person, but being one political party or the other doesn’t automatically make them a bad person.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by pezsez1 »

Why can’t we just view people as people. You’re either a good person or a bad person, but being one political party or the other doesn’t automatically make them a bad person.
Because issues still in play really do have profound effects on people's lives.

Case in point, the GOP's ongoing effort to repeal Obamacare with no real replacement plan in mind... and I'm only sharing this to illustrate why these arguments matter... but, as many people here know, I'm about to be a dad!!!! Baby comes in less than 2 months! But... my wife can't have kids, and we were only able to make this happen for two reasons:

1) A friend volunteered to be our surrogate, and
2) Obamacare required any new insurance plan to cover all pregnancies.

Literally, without Obamacare, people like me would have never had a shot at becoming parents. (And it still almost didn't happen... none of the IVF is covered and most people can't afford that.)

Thank goodness Obamacare wasn't taken away before we had our chance to make this happen... but man, there are so many people out there whose futures are in total limbo and the death of the ACA is SCARY to them. It's not just a political issue. For many, it's either a serious quality-of-life issue or even a life-and-death issue. Before the ACA, my mom (who has worked her entire life) went years without health insurance because she had a bad knee. (wtf???) But, thanks to the ACA, she got affordable coverage that allowed her to actually receive healthcare without ungodly medical bills. (Before the ACA, the "cheap" insurance plans were basically scams that didn't cover anything but the simplest of doctor visits.)

I remember pre-ACA, once I went to the doc and made the mistake of asking for an inhaler refill. A couple months later, I got a $300 bill in the mail for a "diagnostic appointment." Yep. Because I asked for a refill, the appointment coding was changed I got slapped with a huge bill.... and back then, that was like two months of disposable income.

Anyway... that's where the anger comes from. Political issues that may seem procedural to some are literally cruel to others. I don't think there's any way to get around that. And I'm sure this spins the other way on issues important to the right, too. Like, even though I'm pro-choice, I know people who genuinely feel like abortion is tantamount to murder.

That said... one of my good running friends is a total Trump person, and we go at it like rabid dogs on Facebook, but then we meet up and run and have a great time, because we're friends and we're both good people. So there IS hope. But the divides are real and so are the impacts.

Regarding the thread topic, so this is all somewhat relevant... I am really hoping for the Platypus Bowl. I really think it's a change that nobody thought we needed (myself included), and I know people will be upset with this for a long time, but man... from a marketing standpoint the Civil War really is kind of "meh." It was a slogan created during earlier times when people knew less about mass marketing. There may be other good game names out there, but man, THE PLATYPUS BOWL is just so full of possibilities. I really think most people will get over this pretty quickly.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by rentdodger »

pezsez1 wrote:
Why can’t we just view people as people. You’re either a good person or a bad person, but being one political party or the other doesn’t automatically make them a bad person.
Because issues still in play really do have profound effects on people's lives.

Case in point, the GOP's ongoing effort to repeal Obamacare with no real replacement plan in mind... and I'm only sharing this to illustrate why these arguments matter... but, as many people here know, I'm about to be a dad!!!! Baby comes in less than 2 months! But... my wife can't have kids, and we were only able to make this happen for two reasons:

1) A friend volunteered to be our surrogate, and
2) Obamacare required any new insurance plan to cover all pregnancies.

Literally, without Obamacare, people like me would have never had a shot at becoming parents. (And it still almost didn't happen... none of the IVF is covered and most people can't afford that.)

Thank goodness Obamacare wasn't taken away before we had our chance to make this happen... but man, there are so many people out there whose futures are in total limbo and the death of the ACA is SCARY to them. It's not just a political issue. For many, it's either a serious quality-of-life issue or even a life-and-death issue. Before the ACA, my mom (who has worked her entire life) went years without health insurance because she had a bad knee. (wtf???) But, thanks to the ACA, she got affordable coverage that allowed her to actually receive healthcare without ungodly medical bills. (Before the ACA, the "cheap" insurance plans were basically scams that didn't cover anything but the simplest of doctor visits.)

I remember pre-ACA, once I went to the doc and made the mistake of asking for an inhaler refill. A couple months later, I got a $300 bill in the mail for a "diagnostic appointment." Yep. Because I asked for a refill, the appointment coding was changed I got slapped with a huge bill.... and back then, that was like two months of disposable income.

Anyway... that's where the anger comes from. Political issues that may seem procedural to some are literally cruel to others. I don't think there's any way to get around that. And I'm sure this spins the other way on issues important to the right, too. Like, even though I'm pro-choice, I know people who genuinely feel like abortion is tantamount to murder.

That said... one of my good running friends is a total Trump person, and we go at it like rabid dogs on Facebook, but then we meet up and run and have a great time, because we're friends and we're both good people. So there IS hope. But the divides are real and so are the impacts.

Regarding the thread topic, so this is all somewhat relevant... I am really hoping for the Platypus Bowl. I really think it's a change that nobody thought we needed (myself included), and I know people will be upset with this for a long time, but man... from a marketing standpoint the Civil War really is kind of "meh." It was a slogan created during earlier times when people knew less about mass marketing. There may be other good game names out there, but man, THE PLATYPUS BOWL is just so full of possibilities. I really think most people will get over this pretty quickly.

Good for you. Congratulations

Most people don’t understand that a plan that negotiates contracted rates on all medical and RX is not a given. Obamacare has its flaws but at least the plan set some needed lanes to operate in and set basic rules for the insurance company compliance. Retail price without that contract cover can be devastating and has been to many people.

And your right......the GOP has nothing on the table and has had 4 years to formulate.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by pezsez1 »

My point though isn't to criticize the GOP, but just to highlight why it can be so difficult to see people as "good" based on the politics they stand on -- even when they are good-hearted people.

I just used the ACA as an example because it's probably the issue that affects me most personally. For my loved ones and me, it's difficult watching politicians gleefully talk about trashing a program and focusing more on a vibe of "stick it to the libs" rather than focus on substance and offer means of improvement. And, again, I'm sure that swings both ways on other issues. Politicians play games, but to people, these issues are serious -- and the result of political gamesmanship is anger, confusion, and divisiveness.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by rentdodger »

pezsez1 wrote:My point though isn't to criticize the GOP, but just to highlight why it can be so difficult to see people as "good" based on the politics they stand on -- even when they are good-hearted people.

I just used the ACA as an example because it's probably the issue that affects me most personally. For my loved ones and me, it's difficult watching politicians gleefully talk about trashing a program and focusing more on a vibe of "stick it to the libs" rather than focus on substance and offer means of improvement. And, again, I'm sure that swings both ways on other issues. Politicians play games, but to people, these issues are serious -- and the result of political gamesmanship is anger, confusion, and divisiveness.

My comment was more geared toward the good it did for your family. My early career was involved in
Rx, vaccine contracting and pointing out that having the ACA coverage through contracts can be a lifesaver, especially now with covid.

I’m not a liberal democrat(more Lincoln Project independent)but the positions on contracted ACA healthcare and a minimal or no coverage GOP plan is crazy.

As far as the Civil War renaming , who cares........last one I saw in person was 1983 and I still have nightmares. Times have changed.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by Phalanx »

Every time I hear of an amazing case where Obamacare came to the rescue, I wonder who had to pay more or go without insurance so it could happen. Where did the money come from? I know that as soon as the ACA passed, premiums and deductibles both went through the roof. Trying to pay for insurance for a family now is like taking on a second mortgage. I know lots of people here have nice fat jobs that pay for their insurance, but that is not the case for many, many folks. There are still tons of people who can't afford insurance and who end up with medical bills and garnished wages if they have to go to the ER. I see it all the time. ACA might have helped some people, but it made access to insurance harder for lots of others.

I have no idea if Trump actually intends to get rid of ACA, or if that is just fearmongering from the left. The main thing conservatives have gone after is the mandatory participation and fines part, which was unconstitutional on its face, and only survived the Supreme Court by being re-labeled a 'tax'. A tax on poor people who already couldn't afford insurance. Awesome.

Maybe the non-existent alternative is to go back to pre-HMO days when one could just visit the doctor without all the middle men with their hands out demanding a cut.
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Re: [Poll] Your Reaction to "Civil War" De-Naming

Post by Phalanx »

GoDucksTroll wrote:

* If an employee said something like that only two biological sexes is a fact in work environs then I would advise immediate termination. If an LGBTQI+ employee filed a formal complaint, for example if the person who said this was the supervisor of someone born intersex, I would also consider an immediate mitigation strategy to avoid a lawsuit.
That is insane. It's like something straight out of Brave New World.
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