End Racism

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Re: End Racism

Post by Oregon Ownage »

Phalanx wrote:I could care less if it is a reflection of a political party, since both major parties are already totally corrupt. The issue, in my mind, is the narrative in the media and all of the media's obedient sycophants who repeat it on message boards everywhere, that somehow this is a racial issue. That is a joke.
By ignoring an issue shows you have no clue on anything by simply dismissing it. Wont go any further b/c clearly you dont care

Phalanx wrote:The issue is whether there was voting fraud, and why no court will hear the evidence, despite numerous well-documented attempts from every conceivable angle in terms of standing to have it heard. To me, as a casual observer, a populist uprising is the pretty natural result of not getting a fair hearing. Just like when BLM does the same thing all over the country over perceived unfair treatment by police. People in general want to feel like they are getting a fair shake.
There have been court cases in multiple states and all have been thrown out for a lack of evidence (from republican appointed judges to boot) so stop spewing fake news. Its disgusting you call yourself a casual observer and refuse to accept facts.
Phalanx wrote:On July 7, 2016, there were BLM-led riots all over the country, which led to a number of deaths, including the murdering of five police officers in Dallas. I don't recall anyone in the media at that time saying it was a reflection on Obama, who had voiced support for BLM. Nobody called for his impeachment, etc. The political damage was localized to that one individual, who was quickly dispatched by police and the whole thing was considered over with. Same thing this summer when an Antifa/ BLM supporter murdered the Trump supporter in Portland. Even Ted Wheeler, who had actually gone so far as to personally join the protesting/rioting was not recalled - in fact, he was re-elected. BLM can murder little children, they can bomb buildings and storm courthouses - none of this is considered a reflection on Democrat authorities, or BLM supporters in the media, or LeBron James, and nobody is recalled or impeached. We are told to separate those few people who did that stuff from the main body of 'mostly-peaceful protestors'. In fact, we are considered racist if we do not readily perform those mental gymnastics. So why now, all of a sudden, is there all of this umbrage over protesting and rioting, and somehow it is a reflection on Trump, or Josh Hawley, or anyone who dared to question the election results? Because the media in this country have a clear agenda and are making some political hay over this. Instead of appeasing people with an actual hearing of the evidence in court, they are all considered traitors and terrorists, etc. despite the fact that they killed nobody, the only deaths were of the protestors themselves.
Again, show me facts that those killings (which are awful and totally unnecessary) were conducted by protesters and associated with BLM. The issue at hand is associating destructive and lawful behavior to an organization when they are no basis for it. The actions on January 6th were an attack organized by a far right movement (Proud Boys) and the current leadership which is documented and proudly flown across social media where as BLM demonstrations were organized as peacefully marches that turned ugly when it turned night. There were no plans to destroy anything. Thats the difference and why the "media" is showing the difference. Im sorry you cant see the difference or you are just refusing to do so but take a 10,000 ft view of everything going on right now with a clear mind and no bias and you will see what the struggle is like for many people in this country.

BLM message is for equality where as other organizations are trying to keep that division and keep others down. Its that simple.
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Re: End Racism

Post by dd10snoop28 »

Don't even get me started on BLM/Antifa. The leaders of those organizations are radical, violent sowers of division. The followers of them are no different. There are an endless amount of videos that show the lawlessness that emanated from those two orgs from May 2020 thru today.

One day of rioting is not equivalent to 150+ days of rioting in cities across the nation. Be honest!
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Re: End Racism

Post by dd10snoop28 »

BLM is not about equality. The movement itself is based upon lies and misinformation about police brutality. The whole point of the movement is to demonize the foundation of America so that they may enforce their agenda into the public. Obvious as day.
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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

This was 1 incident in which Far right protestors (unequivocally) crossed the line and became dangerous. The other, being an isolated incident 4 years ago in Charlottesville. Off the top of my head, I can't recall other dangerous right wing "protests". Here are some examples of dangerous far left protests....

George Floyd protest deaths

- 21 year old in Detroit killed in his car during protests with stray bullets
- Federal detective in San Francisco killed by protestors
- 29 year old in St Louis accidentally ran over during protest
- 22 year old in Omaha killed while looting
- 50 year old man killed trying to pick up his sons to get them away from protest
- 32 year old shot and killed by looters in Chicago
- 2 men were shot by looters in Indianapolis, both innocent bystanders
- 2 were killed in Iowa during riots and an attack on a police vehicle
- 2 men were killed by protestor bullets in Cicero Illinois
- 1 man killed himself with his own explosives trying to destroy an ATM in Philly
- 1 man was killed by a shop owner he was trying to loot in Philly
- A 16 year old and a 14 year were shot and killed by members of the CHOP movement in Seattle
- A 24 year old woman said "all lives matter" to a group of pro BLM gatherers, she was then shot dead by them
- A man in Portland was shot and killed walking the street after being identified as a "Trumper"

Those are found very quickly using Google. That is all in 2020. That doesn't include the Dallas shootings, the Louisiana police shootings, the New York police shootings, the LA police shootings that all took place by BLM members acting on their own accord.

I will 100% admit that the capital attack was egregious and a blight and awful. I'd hope everyone else would agree every event I just listed was equally egregious. To deny that BLM is violent and has a dark history is ignoring the truth.

Black lives Matter, undoubtedly, but the phrase and the movement need to be seen as separate items.
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Re: End Racism

Post by duckduckgoose »

Phalanx wrote:Yes, add 'traitor' to the list of epithets used by hypocrites who never considered using that word all spring and summer for people on the left doing the exact same things. :roll:
Wow I must have missed the storming of the house of Congress by the left wing this summer. I did see the baby President tell white anarchists to take the state houses in Michigan and Virginia though.

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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

duckduckgoose wrote:
Phalanx wrote:Yes, add 'traitor' to the list of epithets used by hypocrites who never considered using that word all spring and summer for people on the left doing the exact same things. :roll:
Wow I must have missed the storming of the house of Congress by the left wing this summer. I did see the baby President tell white anarchists to take the state houses in Michigan and Virginia though.

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Did you miss the continual bombing and attacking of the federal building in Portland? 99% of conservatives are denouncing this. It still seems like anyone of the left is oblivious to their similar blights
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Re: End Racism

Post by Phalanx »

Yes, in the lefty economy, breaking into congressional buildings is worse than burning federal courthouses and shooting people dead in the street.

If antifa or another left-wing group had done this, we would be talking today about how awful it was that the police tear-gassed people and killed an unarmed protestor.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

So anybody got any bright ideas on how we can repair these fractured divisions? Or is it just going to be more "You're a Racist!" "No, you're a Commie!"
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Re: End Racism

Post by duckduckgoose »

lukeyrid13 wrote:
duckduckgoose wrote:
Phalanx wrote:Yes, add 'traitor' to the list of epithets used by hypocrites who never considered using that word all spring and summer for people on the left doing the exact same things. :roll:
Wow I must have missed the storming of the house of Congress by the left wing this summer. I did see the baby President tell white anarchists to take the state houses in Michigan and Virginia though.

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Did you miss the continual bombing and attacking of the federal building in Portland? 99% of conservatives are denouncing this. It still seems like anyone of the left is oblivious to their similar blights
Bombing? I remember trash cans tipped over and lit on fire and graffiti. I don’t remember any leading Democrat asking them to go in there and try to overthrow a duly elected government. Plus I didn’t see any BLM members carrying zip tie handcuffs to take hostages.

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Re: End Racism

Post by duckduckgoose »

Duck07 wrote:So anybody got any bright ideas on how we can repair these fractured divisions? Or is it just going to be more "You're a Racist!" "No, you're a Commie!"
I would say bring back the laws that the media has to give fair reporting to both sides of an issue. Get rid of Citizens United. Ranked choice voting so third parties can get their dog in the fight. Do like Nebraska and Maine do and grant electors by percentage of the vote or get rid of the Electoral College entirely. Get the money out of politics.

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Re: End Racism

Post by OregonFan4Life »

Duck07 wrote:So anybody got any bright ideas on how we can repair these fractured divisions? Or is it just going to be more "You're a Racist!" "No, you're a Commie!"
As long as social media is around and allowed to be a platform for extremely biased political news with the only intent to create confirmation bias for both sides, it’ll only get worse. I personally permanently deleted all social media accounts a while ago and I’m way happier now.
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Re: End Racism

Post by OregonFan4Life »

Let me try this...
I personally did not see racism in how the capital attack was handled. I saw a lot of events at BLM marches that resulted in violence where police interference was severely lacking in my opinion. People on here and other areas are claiming this is an obvious case of racism. It was very wrong, and those who broke in to the Capitol should be in jail next to those who looted and burnt down buildings and were violent during the BLM Marches. Also, at both BLM and election protests, a majority of people did not want violence, they wanted peaceful protests. It was the minority in both that wanted violence and only they should be condemned.

I am open to hearing any opposing argument and I’m open to change my mind if a good argument/facts are presented. So I ask someone who disagrees with me respectfully replies because I truly want to see the perspective of the other side.
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Re: End Racism

Post by duckduckgoose »

OregonFan4Life wrote:Let me try this...
I personally did not see racism in how the capital attack was handled. I saw a lot of events at BLM marches that resulted in violence where police interference was severely lacking in my opinion. People on here and other areas are claiming this is an obvious case of racism. It was very wrong, and those who broke in to the Capitol should be in jail next to those who looted and burnt down buildings and were violent during the BLM Marches. Also, at both BLM and election protests, a majority of people did not want violence, they wanted peaceful protests. It was the minority in both that wanted violence and only they should be condemned.

I am open to hearing any opposing argument and I’m open to change my mind if a good argument/facts are presented. So I ask someone who disagrees with me respectfully replies because I truly want to see the perspective of the other side.
I think there were a lot of folks there that were there with good intentions in their hearts, but I also think that a good portion were there to overthrow the electoral process. Peaceful protesters don’t show up at rallies with zip tie handcuffs. My theory is the bad actors were using the loyal Trumpers as a diversion and cannon fodder. Go onto Parler and look and see sometime. Until the 6th I thought it was keyboard warrior talk, I won’t make that mistake again.
Look at photos of the Capitol for some of the BLM marches, five or six rows of officers in riot gear and shields. With Congress in session they have just the capitol police force on hand. Either the Capitol police chief is an idiot or complicit with the rioters.

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Re: End Racism

Post by greenyellow »

The people asking for people to be deplatformed based solely on their political beliefs probably wouldn't be asking for it if the same thing was happening to them. They seem to be under the deluded belief that political discourse will somehow magically be fixed by shutting out entire views completely.
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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

OregonFan4Life wrote:Let me try this...
I personally did not see racism in how the capital attack was handled. I saw a lot of events at BLM marches that resulted in violence where police interference was severely lacking in my opinion. People on here and other areas are claiming this is an obvious case of racism. It was very wrong, and those who broke in to the Capitol should be in jail next to those who looted and burnt down buildings and were violent during the BLM Marches. Also, at both BLM and election protests, a majority of people did not want violence, they wanted peaceful protests. It was the minority in both that wanted violence and only they should be condemned.

I am open to hearing any opposing argument and I’m open to change my mind if a good argument/facts are presented. So I ask someone who disagrees with me respectfully replies because I truly want to see the perspective of the other side.

Well said.
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