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92 SGs

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 8:14 pm
by Oregon Ownage
Jimmy Jackson C+ B+ C B- C- A
Jimmy has the talent to be one of the top three point shooters in the league. All around defender. Scouts feel he still needs to work on creating his own shoots to become an elite scorer. Fits into a more outside focal shooting team. Worse scenario, he becomes a 3 and D player. Amazing potential

Todd Day C+ B+ C B- C B
Day is an interesting prospect. He’s not an elite athlete but is an incredible shot-maker with a polished ready offensive game. Has all the tools to become a 20ppg player. He’s got great mechanics, deep range and deadly accuracy from downtown. Good defender. Good potential

Harold Miner B+ C- C- B- C- B
Amazing highlight dunker. He’s got size and quickness, gets above the rim with ease, and has some blow by speed. He sees the game at a high level and makes some incredible plays. Overall, good decision maker and defender. He has the athleticism to keep up with his man in one on one situations. Good potential

Bryant Stith B+ D C- B- C- C
Good inside scorer. Can get to the basket. Solid mid range shooter. Will need to improve on three point abilities. On the defensive end, Stith is a pesky on the ball defender who really gets after it. He hounds opposing ball handlers and puts constant pressure on the ball. He reads the passing lanes well and gives good help defense. Limited potential

Anthony Peeler B- C C- B C+ C
Peeler is a high level athlete who plays both ends of the floor. On the offensive end he’s at his best taking the ball into the lane and using his quickness, leaping ability and length to score in the paint. Defensively he can defend on the ball and the perimeter. Solid potential

Latrell Sprewell B- C+ C- C+ D+ A
Natural scorer who prefers to stay inside the perimeter to get his buckets. Needs to clean up better at the rim though. Turnovers can be an issue for his first couple of seasons. Average defender who chases turnovers. Great potential.

Doug Christie B C- C+ B- C- B
Great finisher at the rim but needs to work on his jump shot to become a complete scorer. Very good passer but handles are in a work in progress. Below average defender who takes many chances at generating steals and more often than not, it works. Good potential.

Hubert Davis C B+ C C+ D B
Stood out on a UNC team as a sharpshooter and scouts see his skills translating very well to the DASL. Very careful with the ball in his hands, maybe too careful as he cant find teammates often. Average defender with room to grow. Good potential.

Jon Barry C+ C+ C B D+ B
Decent scorer but doesn’t excel at any one area. Needs to improve at all levels. Good athlete and that translate to the defensive end of the court. Needs to improve in the post though. Good potential.

Sasha Danilović C+ B C C C B
One of the few international players in this class who is known for his great jump shot. Nees to improve inside and outside to become a threat in the DASL. Wont create turnovers but is solid on the perimeter defensively. Good potential.