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00 PFs

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:30 pm
by Oregon Ownage
Kenyon Martin B- C C B- C+ A
Elite rim protector. Scouts feel he can be a double double machine. He’s not the tallest but he’s a really strong defender in the paint, can block shots and really throws his weight around and makes his presence felt. Could definitely be the best player in the draft. Amazing potential

Stromile Swift B- C C C C+ A
Swift is an incredibly bouncy, agile and quick big who has a long ways to go in his development but has elite physical tools. Good strength and athleticism. Good post defense. Great at scoring near the basket. Amazing raw potential

Marcus Fizer C+ C+ C C C A
Fixer isn’t yet a finished product on the offensive end but he excels in transition and at making cuts to the basket. Fixer will need to find his niche. Does he want to be a big man or play like a wing. Defensively, he will need to improve to become a good player. Amazing raw potential

Donnell Harvey C B C B C B
Has an advanced mid range game and can score in many ways, using quick release jumpers, floaters and scoop shots to score in the lane. He can also knock down the open three. Defensively, he has the makings of a lock-down defender with great versatility. Good potential

Mark Madsen C+ C C B B- C
He’s an effort guy who doesn’t really use elite physical tools but plays with heart and passion and intelligence. Has the skill set to be ready now big. Offensively, good jump shot but scouts wonder if he will take the shots. Average potential

Eduardo Nájera C+ C+ C- C+ C+ B
All around good player who does not excel in one area but also is not sub par in one area. Can score at levels but is best a pulling up for jumpers. Guards inside and out of the paint and can stretch to the wing to close out. Good potential.

Hanno Möttölä C+ B- C C+ C+ B
Good jump shooter who can also hit 3 pointers but consistency is an issue. Not much of an inside scorer but is good at defending the paint. Needs to improve positioning on rebounds. Good potential.

Brian Cardinal C+ C C- C+ C B
Undersized post player who is agile enough to play down and not be overmatched. Offensively, he prefers to play inside the paint but defensively he can guard all over the court. Lacks rebounding for the 4. Good potential.

Malik Allen C+ C C- C C+ A
Can score anywhere inside the perimeter but needs to improve consistency. Won't stretch beyond the arch though. Average defender who is slow to rotate to the perimeter. Solid rebounder. Great potential.