End Racism

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Re: End Racism

Post by GrantDuck »

It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
Last edited by GrantDuck on Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: End Racism

Post by GrantDuck »

hjpop wrote:Can we respectfully, given the climate that the rest of the country is in, ask that a mod lock this thread?
Our team is wearing it on their uniforms in a unified message. Think it makes it relevant for the board, though I understand why it was moved.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
You can call me out directly rather than trying to throw passive aggressive shots at my character.

You could also respond to what I stated as things that are greater than "ending racism" such as the active genocides that go on currently. Or the Slave Markets. Are the players addressing how wrong it was to destabilize Libya in order to funnel weapons to radicals in Syria (to build a pipeline to the Mediterranean before Russia can)? Are they addressing how China has kicked Africans out of hotels and refused them service during shut-downs?

Did you vote for the 1 candidate who was for abolishing Qualified Immunity for police officer? You know, the 1 that doesn't have any credible sexual assault allegations against her.

End Racism has a broader meaning behind and it is in fact political. By focusing on how awful you think I am rather than attempting to rebut my argument you in fact ignore that if we addressed the issues that I discussed originally, pretty soon we won't have a National Debt and we can easily afford basic social welfare programs while operating in free markets.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
Or how about saying “all lives matter”

Goes both ways
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Re: End Racism

Post by gogreen55 »

Duck07 wrote:Well I'm glad you agree with me that it's an exercise in futility that would be better spent addressing actual problems we can fix (and rather easily at that).

I've got to say though, I'm really overwhelmed by all the solutions to Ending Racism now and forever that everyone has come up with. You must all free really good about yourselves for finding the answer to this problem after centuries of other people trying.
Dude, are you for real? Just because racism has always existed, and likely always will exist to some degree, that doesn't mean people should not strive to end it. If past generations adopted your crazy attitude, we would still have slavery, white only restaurants, etc.

I can envision the 1960's version of Duck07........."Hey Martin Luther King Jr., keep your frivolous 'Equality' stuff to yourself. We are never going to end racism, so you are wasting your breath. We got more important issues to deal with that we can actually fix. Babies are being killed in Vietnam!"

Obviously, many significant strides have been made in the quest for racial equality. As a result, racism isn't as big of a "problem" as it was in the past. That does not mean there is not still work to be done. You acknowledged racism is a bad thing. You acknowledged that it still exists. What is the problem here? Like I said previously, it is bizarre that simple message would trigger your wild rant about unrelated topics, just because you view the other issues as more important. As if the only topic people can address is one that is ranked #1 on Duck07's list. If they had worn "End Genocide" shirts instead, apparently that would have met your approval? Although, using your logic, since genocide has existed for centuries with people unsuccessfuly eradicating it, that makes it an "exercise in futility to address" and we should focus on "problems we can fix."

Your attitude is reminiscent of people that get triggered over "VOTE" shirts. People with questionable mental stability getting upset over an innocuous, positive message that all rational people support.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Tray Dub »

Well, I for one am shocked that this thread isn't going so well.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

gogreen55 wrote:
Duck07 wrote:Well I'm glad you agree with me that it's an exercise in futility that would be better spent addressing actual problems we can fix (and rather easily at that).

I've got to say though, I'm really overwhelmed by all the solutions to Ending Racism now and forever that everyone has come up with. You must all free really good about yourselves for finding the answer to this problem after centuries of other people trying.
Dude, are you for real? Just because racism has always existed, and likely always will exist to some degree, that doesn't mean people should not strive to end it. If past generations adopted your crazy attitude, we would still have slavery, white only restaurants, etc.

I can envision the 1960's version of Duck07........."Hey Martin Luther King Jr., keep your frivolous 'Equality' stuff to yourself. We are never going to end racism, so you are wasting your breath. We got more important issues to deal with that we can actually fix. Babies are being killed in Vietnam!"

Obviously, many significant strides have been made in the quest for racial equality. As a result, racism isn't as big of a "problem" as it was in the past. That does not mean there is not still work to be done. You acknowledged racism is a bad thing. You acknowledged that it still exists. What is the problem here? Like I said previously, it is bizarre that simple message would trigger your wild rant about unrelated topics, just because you view the other issues as more important. As if the only topic people can address is one that is ranked #1 on Duck07's list. If they had worn "End Genocide" shirts instead, apparently that would have met your approval? Although, using your logic, since genocide has existed for centuries with people unsuccessfuly eradicating it, that makes it an "exercise in futility to address" and we should focus on "problems we can fix."

Your attitude is reminiscent of people that get triggered over "VOTE" shirts. People with questionable mental stability getting upset over an innocuous, positive message that all rational people support.
Ending Genocide is just as dumb of a Statement as Ending Racism or Ending Hate; its inane. That you feel that casting aspersions against me increases the validity of your argument is noted.

Speaking of Genocide, is it not the ultimate end-goal of racism? If we've been apathetic to multiple genocides over the decades and we're still apathetic currently, is it not an utter farce to claim that you seek to End Racism then?

If the team came out and said their goal was to "End Hate" it'd be the same response from me. Grow up and pick up something real and specific that is of major importance rather than speaking in broad generalities so that you can feel good about yourself without doing anything.

As a reminder though, everyone who has been triggered by what I've said has not been triggered by the Trillions of dollars that have been stolen from them through the Federal Reserve and the sheer number of innocent people we murder through War and Drones for Corporate Greed and that both political parties should be tried as War Criminals for it. Why would the next generation of students in the University actually care about these things when the current "adults" all turn away from it?
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Re: End Racism

Post by OregonFan4Life »

Duck07 wrote:
gogreen55 wrote:
Duck07 wrote:Well I'm glad you agree with me that it's an exercise in futility that would be better spent addressing actual problems we can fix (and rather easily at that).

I've got to say though, I'm really overwhelmed by all the solutions to Ending Racism now and forever that everyone has come up with. You must all free really good about yourselves for finding the answer to this problem after centuries of other people trying.
Dude, are you for real? Just because racism has always existed, and likely always will exist to some degree, that doesn't mean people should not strive to end it. If past generations adopted your crazy attitude, we would still have slavery, white only restaurants, etc.

I can envision the 1960's version of Duck07........."Hey Martin Luther King Jr., keep your frivolous 'Equality' stuff to yourself. We are never going to end racism, so you are wasting your breath. We got more important issues to deal with that we can actually fix. Babies are being killed in Vietnam!"

Obviously, many significant strides have been made in the quest for racial equality. As a result, racism isn't as big of a "problem" as it was in the past. That does not mean there is not still work to be done. You acknowledged racism is a bad thing. You acknowledged that it still exists. What is the problem here? Like I said previously, it is bizarre that simple message would trigger your wild rant about unrelated topics, just because you view the other issues as more important. As if the only topic people can address is one that is ranked #1 on Duck07's list. If they had worn "End Genocide" shirts instead, apparently that would have met your approval? Although, using your logic, since genocide has existed for centuries with people unsuccessfuly eradicating it, that makes it an "exercise in futility to address" and we should focus on "problems we can fix."

Your attitude is reminiscent of people that get triggered over "VOTE" shirts. People with questionable mental stability getting upset over an innocuous, positive message that all rational people support.
Ending Genocide is just as dumb of a Statement as Ending Racism or Ending Hate; its inane. That you feel that casting aspersions against me increases the validity of your argument is noted.

Speaking of Genocide, is it not the ultimate end-goal of racism? If we've been apathetic to multiple genocides over the decades and we're still apathetic currently, is it not an utter farce to claim that you seek to End Racism then?

If the team came out and said their goal was to "End Hate" it'd be the same response from me. Grow up and pick up something real and specific that is of major importance rather than speaking in broad generalities so that you can feel good about yourself without doing anything.

As a reminder though, everyone who has been triggered by what I've said has not been triggered by the Trillions of dollars that have been stolen from them through the Federal Reserve and the sheer number of innocent people we murder through War and Drones for Corporate Greed and that both political parties should be tried as War Criminals for it. Why would the next generation of students in the University actually care about these things when the current "adults" all turn away from it?
This right here is the biggest problem with politics today. People think posting BLM stuff on Facebook, or marching with these chants (sometimes hateful towards Trump and cops), or having signs in their yard, or heck even voting for Biden/Democrats will actually make a difference and therefore they are "doing something". In reality this just appeals to the insecure desire everyone has to feel like a "good person" when in reality they're doing nothing. It seems like so many people (including many people I know personally) are the type that would order themselves a pizza on their new iPhone, drive in their pretty good car to go get it while wearing big brand clothes and shoes, and on the way back to their car would pass a starving child in rags alone outside in freezing weather and would say to them "wow, how horrible, I'm so sorry you're going through this. You know what? I will help you out! In the election I will vote for Biden so that he can get the evil 1% to pay for you to have food and shelter and then they can also pay my student loan because it's not right that I owe for my privileged education! And maybe while they're at it they can pay for the loans on my car, Samsung TV, iPhone, and Macbook Pro, because it's not fair they have more money. Oh, and Biden will end racism too."

The reality is, most people have selfish intentions when it comes to their political affiliations (while my post was aimed at Democrats, I'm fully aware Republicans are the same). But when you are deluded into believe that your selfish political preferences are disguised as morally right/superior or more intellectual than the other sides, that's when you've contributed to the problems you have mentioned. People don't want to address the real reasons because that would destroy their warped and false self image that the media and politicians have painted to disguise their selfish desires as "good intentions/actions". This is what has caused the divide in this country and what will further drive it. I find it upsetting that so many of my friends voted for Biden without having a clue what his policies are because "Trump is divisive with his behavior". Is Trump a saint? No, should he act more cordial? Yes, but if you think he's to blame for the divide you are very very naïve. And I also find it upsetting how many of my friends voted for Trump because "he's not a typical politician" without having any idea what he stands for or what he's done as President.

It's comical how I've been called racist along with my wife because we don't support/endorse BLM. So I refuse to acknowledge the false media narrative that blacks are being "slaughtered" by white cops (ignoring the fact that most of the time these black men are committing crimes, threatening such cops, and are high on drugs), that makes me racist? I guess the fact that we've donated over $20k in my lifetime (believe me, we ain't rich, we just make sacrifices to make these donations happen) towards funds in Africa to keep young girls in Kenya from being slaves and and putting them in schools as well as assisting orphanages in Africa for kids that have been abandoned to death get the proper nutrition, shelter, and care they need and avoid the evil local Jihadists slaying Christians to death (men, women, and children) means nothing because I don't have a BLM sign on my yard.

Believe me, I could go on and on, but this post is to simply say what Duck07 is saying, which I completely agree with, is that wanting to end racism isn't a bad thing, but ignoring legit crimes against humanity and doing nothing of value and deluding yourself into believing you're a good and morale person based off of your political "beliefs" because the media and politicians tell you that, is a very bad thing and contributes to the real problems of this world. If you want to stop racism, do something of value, don't post about it on FB or make a cool commercial about it cause that won't do anything to help anyone in this world, but hey it may get your more likes and popularity!
Last edited by OregonFan4Life on Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Phalanx »

Duck07 wrote: Why would the next generation of students in the University actually care about these things when the current "adults" all turn away from it?
One point I was thinking as I read through this is watching the high school-aged kids in my sphere. They have basically learned to tune out the steady drip drip drip of rhetoric because they intrinsically know how bereft it is of meaning. They go through the motions so as not to stand out and draw the ire of some SJW nazi, and then mock it on the internet and other situations where they are away from the institutions of indoctrination. I'm not sure where this will lead, but it seems clear to me that a side-effect of all of this hypocritical posturing and politicizing is that the voices of older generations are being ignored on an ever-increasing level.
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Re: End Racism

Post by GrantDuck »

Duck07 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
You can call me out directly rather than trying to throw passive aggressive shots at my character.

You could also respond to what I stated as things that are greater than "ending racism" such as the active genocides that go on currently. Or the Slave Markets. Are the players addressing how wrong it was to destabilize Libya in order to funnel weapons to radicals in Syria (to build a pipeline to the Mediterranean before Russia can)? Are they addressing how China has kicked Africans out of hotels and refused them service during shut-downs?

Did you vote for the 1 candidate who was for abolishing Qualified Immunity for police officer? You know, the 1 that doesn't have any credible sexual assault allegations against her.

End Racism has a broader meaning behind and it is in fact political. By focusing on how awful you think I am rather than attempting to rebut my argument you in fact ignore that if we addressed the issues that I discussed originally, pretty soon we won't have a National Debt and we can easily afford basic social welfare programs while operating in free markets.
It wasn't only you, so I didn't make any direct response to you.

Since you seem to want one, I've said what I have to say. It's disappointing. I'm glad our players and staff are better than that.
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Re: End Racism

Post by GrantDuck »

lukeyrid13 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
Or how about saying “all lives matter”

Goes both ways
"All lives matter" was a response to "black lives matter", which is a different discussion.

"End Racism" doesn't "go both ways" unless your position is "Don't end racism!" :|
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

GrantDuck wrote: End Racism" doesn't "go both ways" unless your position is "Don't end racism!" :|
Now you won't even operate in good faith in trying to rebut what I've said.

I'm disappointed that University students who happen to have a rather large pulpit from which to speak have decided to engage in Virtue Signaling rather than choosing a Big, Hairy, Attainable Goal that they could have used for their cause by taking the extra time to focus on something they could in fact change. Maybe that's support for fixing schools in America with lead in the water supply or Child Trafficking or someone who needs to be Pardoned for a BS crime they didn't commit; I'm ambivalent towards what that goal is. I do however find it bothersome that they choose something hollow, that sounds delightful and with which they have zero objective measures to even gauge the success of it.

Or maybe you really believe the Oregon Ducks football team is going to End Racism this season.
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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

GrantDuck wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
Or how about saying “all lives matter”

Goes both ways
"All lives matter" was a response to "black lives matter", which is a different discussion.

"End Racism" doesn't "go both ways" unless your position is "Don't end racism!" :|
I think it proves my point though, you mentioned being triggered by an innocuous statement at worst and genuinely loving at best statement like "all lives matter" which people were literally killed for saying over the summer. I can link to those events happening.

I don't necessarily agree with someone that has a vitriolic response to saying "end racism", but I think if anyone was being intellectually honest they would realize that just throwing out empty phrases with no basis of the "problem" or providing a solution does much of anything.

I can say

"world peace"
"feed the poor"
"no more homeless"
"no guns"

but saying any of those things doesn't point to the problems laying beneath each of those or provide any solutions. So have I truly done anything or made a difference by throwing out empty phrases? Psychologically to ourselves, we truly do feel as though we have made a change, but impact wise, it's nothing.
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Re: End Racism

Post by OregonFan4Life »

GrantDuck wrote:
Duck07 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
You can call me out directly rather than trying to throw passive aggressive shots at my character.

You could also respond to what I stated as things that are greater than "ending racism" such as the active genocides that go on currently. Or the Slave Markets. Are the players addressing how wrong it was to destabilize Libya in order to funnel weapons to radicals in Syria (to build a pipeline to the Mediterranean before Russia can)? Are they addressing how China has kicked Africans out of hotels and refused them service during shut-downs?

Did you vote for the 1 candidate who was for abolishing Qualified Immunity for police officer? You know, the 1 that doesn't have any credible sexual assault allegations against her.

End Racism has a broader meaning behind and it is in fact political. By focusing on how awful you think I am rather than attempting to rebut my argument you in fact ignore that if we addressed the issues that I discussed originally, pretty soon we won't have a National Debt and we can easily afford basic social welfare programs while operating in free markets.
It wasn't only you, so I didn't make any direct response to you.

Since you seem to want one, I've said what I have to say. It's disappointing. I'm glad our players and staff are better than that.
I didn’t post for a response, I posted because I felt like giving my perspective.

As for your “response”, is it an ironic joke? Cause you literally do the exact thing my long post says what I believe is the biggest problem with politics in this country. You appear to call my opinion/post “disappointing” then say you’re glad the players and staff know better, implying they are more enlightened than me based off how how they view this issue compared to me. Meanwhile you provide no evidence of how they are enlightened, you simply say it which indicates it’s entirely your personal opinion. Answer me this, do you believe you are a better person than me simply on our views of racism? I’m legit curious and asking a question, not seeking debate.
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