End Racism

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Re: End Racism

Post by GrantDuck »

lukeyrid13 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:
lukeyrid13 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
Or how about saying “all lives matter”

Goes both ways
"All lives matter" was a response to "black lives matter", which is a different discussion.

"End Racism" doesn't "go both ways" unless your position is "Don't end racism!" :|
I think it proves my point though, you mentioned being triggered by an innocuous statement at worst and genuinely loving at best statement like "all lives matter" which people were literally killed for saying over the summer. I can link to those events happening.

I don't necessarily agree with someone that has a vitriolic response to saying "end racism", but I think if anyone was being intellectually honest they would realize that just throwing out empty phrases with no basis of the "problem" or providing a solution does much of anything.

I can say

"world peace"
"feed the poor"
"no more homeless"
"no guns"

but saying any of those things doesn't point to the problems laying beneath each of those or provide any solutions. So have I truly done anything or made a difference by throwing out empty phrases? Psychologically to ourselves, we truly do feel as though we have made a change, but impact wise, it's nothing.
"All lives matter" isn't innocuous because it was specifically to diminish and counter black lives matter. Like I said, different discussion.

Hollow statements are only hollow without action. In which case, you can criticize the lack of action, but it doesn't diminish the ideal.
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Re: End Racism

Post by GrantDuck »

OregonFan4Life wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:
Duck07 wrote:
GrantDuck wrote:It's disappointing that something as simple as "end racism" triggers people and is seen as a political statement. We have people of all walks of life on our staff and on our team and across the political spectrum. I'm glad they could set a better example than some posters.

It's not surprising, but disappointing.

I imagine saying something like "love your neighbor as yourself" would probably trigger someone these days too. :|
You can call me out directly rather than trying to throw passive aggressive shots at my character.

You could also respond to what I stated as things that are greater than "ending racism" such as the active genocides that go on currently. Or the Slave Markets. Are the players addressing how wrong it was to destabilize Libya in order to funnel weapons to radicals in Syria (to build a pipeline to the Mediterranean before Russia can)? Are they addressing how China has kicked Africans out of hotels and refused them service during shut-downs?

Did you vote for the 1 candidate who was for abolishing Qualified Immunity for police officer? You know, the 1 that doesn't have any credible sexual assault allegations against her.

End Racism has a broader meaning behind and it is in fact political. By focusing on how awful you think I am rather than attempting to rebut my argument you in fact ignore that if we addressed the issues that I discussed originally, pretty soon we won't have a National Debt and we can easily afford basic social welfare programs while operating in free markets.
It wasn't only you, so I didn't make any direct response to you.

Since you seem to want one, I've said what I have to say. It's disappointing. I'm glad our players and staff are better than that.
I didn’t post for a response, I posted because I felt like giving my perspective.

As for your “response”, is it an ironic joke? Cause you literally do the exact thing my long post says what I believe is the biggest problem with politics in this country. You appear to call my opinion/post “disappointing” then say you’re glad the players and staff know better, implying they are more enlightened than me based off how how they view this issue compared to me. Meanwhile you provide no evidence of how they are enlightened, you simply say it which indicates it’s entirely your personal opinion. Answer me this, do you believe you are a better person than me simply on our views of racism? I’m legit curious and asking a question, not seeking debate.
I wasn't responding to you in the previous post, I was responding to Duck07.

As to your question:
Someone who thinks that "end racism" is a political question with "both sides" has bought into the cable news propaganda that everything is somehow politically divisive or saying more than it is. I've never seen this sort of reaction in a thread though for a phrase like "Support the Troops".
If you want to flip it on the political spectrum, it's like when people on the left have issues with people saying "Merry Christmas". If you don't believe in Christmas, does someone wishing you a Merry Christmas really hurt you?

So for having different views in terms of what a phrase means? No, I don't think it makes me a better person. I think it makes someone overly sensitive, but I can't speak to why that might be or what background they might come from. There's no moral superiority, just opinion.

If someone were to say directly, I don't think we should end racism, racism is a good thing, then yes, I would say that I'm a better person than them. Racism is something inherently evil.
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Re: End Racism

Post by UOducksTK1 »

Biggus Duckus wrote:Today was a good example of how white people are treated in this country vs. many people of color.
Someone was shot and killed. Many arrested. Don't see what color has anything to do with this.

Antifa is treated more kindly. Portland's district attorney lets antifa off all the time. Why do you think some neighboring county police departments refuse to help out in Portland? They commit felonies and then are allowed to roam for free.

Seems more of a political problem than a racial one. But makes sense that your first instinct is the racial argument...

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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

It's funny that Trump has blamed the Anarchists all summer long and then lets Anarchy reign when it suits his benefit.

I don't think this event today frankly is a great example of white privilege or systemic racism though I do understand the lenses through which many people see this because of the lack of Federal response to the events. From what I could see in Salem, they handled it a lot better because they knew it was going to happen and were prepared from the start.

My reaction to this though is similar to many of the other violent protests: it's not going to accomplish what you want and only lead to the actual fascism that you purport to hate by giving them the justification for future changes.
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Re: End Racism

Post by UOducksTK1 »

Duck07 wrote:It's funny that Trump has blamed the Anarchists all summer long and then lets Anarchy reign when it suits his benefit.

I don't think this event today frankly is a great example of white privilege or systemic racism though I do understand the lenses through which many people see this because of the lack of Federal response to the events. From what I could see in Salem, they handled it a lot better because they knew it was going to happen and were prepared from the start.

My reaction to this though is similar to many of the other violent protests: it's not going to accomplish what you want and only lead to the actual fascism that you purport to hate by giving them the justification for future changes.
Yeah it's stupid, and like you said it won't accomplish a thing.

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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

I’m conservative and everyone I know 100% denounces the actions at the capital today.

As I’ve said with the antifa protests etc all year long, peaceful protests are great. Full blown riots need to be shut down and denounced. This was an idiotic event from the get go and just deplorable all around. Am I happy someone is dead, no, but considering their actions I’m not surprised
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

Biggus Duckus wrote:I was typing up a whole thing, but then I realized: if you don't see the difference in how black protestors are treated compared to today's insurrectionists (yes, insurrectionists), then there's no helping you.
You're so Holy compared to all of us Sinners.
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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

How many black protestors were killed this year by cops?

Did you know 35-40 people died during the George Floyd riots. Many were cops
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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

And if I’m a cop and I see a crowd in riot gear attacking and throwing bricks etc I would definitely try and squint to see what color is behind the bandana
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Re: End Racism

Post by pudgejeff »

Remove color or racism or whatever you want from the picture, are you saying this wasn’t handled differently than other protests were for months? Was the response from the president the same? From the media? The police?
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Re: End Racism

Post by lukeyrid13 »

^ yes

I said it was deplorable all around. But it should be known that half the country isn’t proud of this. Don’t let this divide us even further
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

pudgejeff wrote:Remove color or racism or whatever you want from the picture, are you saying this wasn’t handled differently than other protests were for months? Was the response from the president the same? From the media? The police?
Don't get me wrong, Trump wanted the anarchy of this to happen which is why in Salem there were also a bunch of dumb-asses but they weren't allowed to flourish in their actions. It was handled differently relative to the other protests in DC to which it is comparable by the sheer fact that the National Guard did nothing because they weren't called in.

I completely get though why a person of color watches this and compares it to any other protest that turned violent this last year and feels a double-standard exists and for good reason. It's all been very shocking to see from the initial lack of response to it all throughout the day before finally being pushed out and the low number of arrests through it all.
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Re: End Racism

Post by StevensTechU »

"They weren't treated differently because of race"

Imagine every rioter is dressed like they're fresh out of the middle east. They storm congress and overtake the building like they did today. Only 1 person is shot? You're lying to yourself.
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Re: End Racism

Post by Duck07 »

StevensTechU wrote:"They weren't treated differently because of race"

Imagine every rioter is dressed like they're fresh out of the middle east. They storm congress and overtake the building like they did today. Only 1 person is shot? You're lying to yourself.
Its easy to say that the sole reason for not doing anything is racism but this is classic DC willful-ineptitude.
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Re: End Racism

Post by StevensTechU »

Racism, prejudice, bias... I give zero shits what label you want to put on it. If thousands of arab or black men forced their way into the Capitol, it would have played out very differently. Just telling it like it is.
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